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UK street and documentary photographer
Beginners guide to using a digital SLR, Weymouth, UK Course: General digital SLR photography (for beginners) Aims: Getting to grips with your camera and thinking creatively about photography. For all subject matter, e.g. people, buildings, landscapes, plants, abstract. Learning through a series of tasks with a widely published and exhibited photographer. Requirements: A digital SLR COURSE CONTENTS (1) Identifying goals: Establish what participants hope to get out of the lesson, why they are interested in photography, and what they are interested in photographing. (2) Technical bits: the essential basics
Getting the right exposure (3) Creative bits: if required!
Thinking creatively. Practicalities
Get in touch [e-mail: paul.russell99@btinternet.com] Mobile: 07563 926 186
About Paul Russell I am one of 46 photographers profiled in Thames & Hudson's Street Photography Now book (see Bournemouth Waterstones, pp. 168-173!). My work is in the permanent collection of The Museum of London.